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The Young School Brochure

The Young School is a unique private school tailored to Howard County residents seeking an exceptional education for their children.

With core teachings based on the Reggio Emilia Approach created in Italy. The Young School's marketing and sales materials had to be unique to truly set it apart from its competitors and yet still seem approachable for residents who live in a county that has one of the top performing education systems in the country. A mighty goal indeed. The imagery selected is a combination of custom and stock photographs that are dynamic, energetic, hands on and interactive.

Client: The Young School
Created for: The Caplan Group

© 2000-2010 Mark Armbruster

An overview brochure for The Young School. »Click here to see the capabilities folder that illustrates part of the schools core philosophy and was an integral part of the directors sales pitch. » Click here to see the identity that also utilizes this.
