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The Young School Capabilities Folder view 1

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The Young School Capabilities Folder view 4

The Young School Capabilities Folder

A custom pocket folder created to hold 2 sets of easily customized sales sheets highlighting the schools fees, tuition, payment schedules and other important information.

The schools philosophy of "Learn Grow Evolve" was illustrated on the inside pocket. The simple illustration of a child's drawing of a dinosaur is used to educate prospective parents on the basic tenets of the Emillia Reggio teaching philosophy. The distinct curriculum utilizes successive teachings on a subject, each time diving deeper into detail. In the first drawing on the left the dinosaur is in its most simplistic and rudimentary portal by the student. But as the days and assignments progress, the child's understanding of what a dinosaur is grows and evolves as is depicted in the two successive images. The folder has two die cut slits in the pocket area that holds a custom designed folded business card that also utilizes this dinosaur illustration. The overlay of the card when placed into the die cut area on the pocket is seamless and maintains the reading of the simple dinosaur selling tool.

Client: The Young School
Created for: The Caplan Group

© 2000-2010 Mark Armbruster

A custom capabilities folder created for the Young School. » Click here to see the identity and business card design.
